Cost and GHG analysis

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 723678
This website displays the results of the CarbonNext economic and GHG assessment. For details see the CarbonNext website.
You can upload your own data from the Excel tool. Please create your own calculations in the Excel tool, go to the sheet "For website" and click on the button. Then upload the created csv file here:
Carbon source
(share of circle: cost increase)
Click on a source to limit the analysis to this source. The part of the circle shows the average cost increase over all filtered results.
GHG scenario
(Value: GHG increase/decrease)
Click on a scenario to limit the analysis to this scenario. The bar length shows the average GHG increase/decrease over all filtered results. Click to the left of the "zero" for "empty" pathways. Those have no GHG change compared to the reference.
Syngas route
(Value: cost increase)
Click on a syngas route to limit the analysis to this route. The bar length shows the average cost increase over all filtered results.
Costs scenario
(Value: cost increase)
Click on a scenario to limit the analysis to this scenario. The bar length shows the average cost increase over all filtered results.
(Relative cost increase over absolute GHG difference. Values below and left of absolute zero are best.)
Each dot represents one source / pathway / cost scenario / GHG scenario / syngas route combination. By clicking on the other charts, you can filter the results. By hovering over a dot, you can see detailed information. By hovering over a pathway in a legend, you can highlight all dots from this pathway.
(Value: GHG increase/decrease)
Click on a pathway to limit the analysis to this pathway. The bar length shows the average GHG increase/decrease over all filtered results. Click to the left of the "zero" for "empty" pathways. Those have no GHG change compared to the reference.